


1. Introduction



This page is not a help page, but a declaration of compliance with RGAA 4.0, which aims to define the general level of accessibility observed on the site in accordance with regulations. This page is mandatory to comply with RGAA 4.0.


2. Identity of the declarant




Status of the owner: company
Prefix: SAS Tralalere
Company Name: Tralalere
Address: 4 rue de Braque 75003 Paris
Phone: 01 49 29 45 25
Capital: €251,000
SIRET: 43181023300046 R.C.S.: 431 810 233
VAT number: FR76431810233
Email address:


3. What is digital accessibility?


An accessible website is a site that allows all internet users to access its content without difficulty, including people with disabilities who use specialized software or hardware. An accessible site allows, for example, to:
Navigate with voice synthesizers or braille displays (especially used by blind or visually impaired users).
Customize the site display according to one’s needs (enlarging characters, changing colors, etc.).
Navigate without using the mouse, using only the keyboard or via a touchscreen.


4. Declaration of Accessibility


Tralalere is committed to making the communication site of the access manager to resources (GAR) accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it implements the following strategy and actions:

  • Multi-year plan: in progress
  • Action plan: in progress

This accessibility declaration applies to the site


5. State of Compliance


The site is not in compliance with the general accessibility improvement reference because the audit to measure compliance with the criteria is underway with the RGAA V4.0 version and in accordance with Decree No. 2019-768 of July 24, 2019.
Therefore, no non-compliance or exemption is listed below.


6. Test Results


In the absence of a valid compliance audit, the test results are not communicated.


7. Inaccessible Content


In the absence of a valid audit, all content will be considered inaccessible by default.

Exemptions for Disproportionate Burden
In the absence of a valid audit, no exemption has been established.

Content Not Subject to Accessibility Obligation
In the absence of a valid audit, no content is declared exempt from the accessibility obligation.


8. Establishment of the Accessibility Declaration


This declaration was established on April 26, 2022.


9. Technologies Used to Create the Site


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript, Angular


10. User Agents and Assistive Technologies Used to Verify Content Accessibility


In the absence of a valid ongoing audit, tools cannot be listed.


11. Pages of the Site Subject to Compliance Verification


In the absence of a valid ongoing audit, pages cannot be listed.


12. Feedback and Contacts


It is important to remember that under Article 11 of the February 2005 law, people with disabilities have the right to compensation for the consequences of their disability, regardless of the origin and nature of their disability, age, or lifestyle.
Therefore, each organization is obliged to take the necessary means to provide access, within a reasonable time, to the information and functionalities sought by the person with a disability, whether or not the content is subject to an exemption.
Pending full compliance, you can obtain an accessible version of the documents or the information contained therein by writing a message to, indicating the name of the relevant document and/or the information you would like to obtain. You can also contact Tralalere at 4 rue de Braque 75003 Paris. The requested information will be sent to you as soon as possible.


13. Improvement and Contact


You can help us improve the site’s accessibility by reporting any potential issues you encounter. To do this, send us an email at


14. Recourse


If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing content or a feature of the site, if you report it to us and do not receive a prompt response from us, you have the right to send your complaints or request for referral to:
Write a message to the Defender of Rights.
Contact the delegate of the Defender of Rights in your region.
Send a letter by post (free, no stamp required) to The Defender of Rights – Free reply 71120 – 75342 Paris CEDEX 07.